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PCB vs CCA: What is a Circuit Card Assembly?
星期一, 22 7 月, 2024

Hey there! If you’re curious about circuit card assembly (CCAs) and what makes them tick, you’ve come to the right place. CCAs are the unsung heroes behind many of the electronic devices we use every day. Let’s dive into what they are, their essential parts, how they’re made, and why they’re so important.

What is a circuit card assembly?

Circuit card assembly or CCA is the process of producing printed circuit boards. In essence, it is the same as PCBA (PCB assembly), just in different name. CCA is a manufacturing technology that converts raw materials into printed circuit boards. It is used in many industries, including the military and aerospace sectors. This type of manufacturing requires skilled professionals to lay out the design and then assemble it. If you are planning to buy a batch of circuit card components, here are some things you should know about CCA.

PCB vs CCA: What is a Circuit Card Assembly?

A circuit card is a thin, flat dielectric material on which conductive paths or traces are etched. These paths connect various electronic components. They are also used to connect components to sockets on printed circuit boards. Circuit card assy is the process of manufacturing circuit card components. The process involves adding electronic components to the substrate.

Key components of a circuit card assembly (CCA)

Circuit card assembly have several key components to make the circuit function properly. These can be divided into three basic components.

  • Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
  • Electronic component
  • Solder paste
  • Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

This is the backbone of the CCA. The printed circuit board provides the structural foundation on which all other components are mounted. A PCB is typically made of a flat, insulating material such as FR4 fiberglass, which is layered with conductive tracks made of copper. These tracks form the circuit pathways that connect various electronic components. The PCB board can be single-sided, with components and conductive tracks on one side only, or double-sided, with tracks and components on both sides. For more complex applications, multi-layer PCBs are used, which consist of multiple layers of insulating material and conductive pathways stacked together. These printed circuit boards are essential in ensuring that electrical signals are routed efficiently and reliably across the assembly.

PCB vs CCA: What is a Circuit Card Assembly?

  • Electronic Components

These include resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, transistors, and more passive and positive components. Each part plays a specific role in the circuit, like pieces of a puzzle fitting together to make a complete picture. Resistors control the flow of electrical current, capacitors store and release energy, integrated circuits (ICs) perform various functions like processing and memory storage, and transistors act as switches or amplifiers. These components are carefully placed on the PCB in positions that allow them to connect and interact as designed.

PCB vs CCA: What is a Circuit Card Assembly?

  • Solder paste

Solder paste is like the glue that holds everything together, but it’s electrically conductive. It’s used to attach the electronic components to the PCB, so that they can stay put and work properly. Soldering creates a strong, conductive bond between the component leads and the PCB’s copper tracks. There are different types of soldering, such as lead-based and lead-free solders, each with its specific properties and applications. The soldering process can be done manually or using automated printing machines, depending on the complexity and volume of the assembly. Please noticed that solder paste should used in a very short time, otherwise, it will become dry solder paste.

PCB vs CCA: What is a Circuit Card Assembly?

What is the Difference Between a PCB and a CCA?

You might wonder, what’s the difference between a PCB and a CCA? Well, here’s a quick rundown:

AspectPCB (Printed Circuit Board)CCA (Circuit Card Assembly)
DefinitionA blank board with conductive pathwaysA PCB populated with electronic components
ComponentsNo electronic componentsIncludes electronic components like resistors, capacitors, ICs
FunctionalityServes as the foundation for electronic circuitsA functional electronic circuit ready for use in devices
Manufacturing StepsInvolves design, etching, and printing of conductive pathsInvolves PCB manufacturing plus component placement and soldering
Usage StageIntermediate stage in manufacturingFinal stage, ready for integration into electronic devices
ComplexityLess complex, involves fewer manufacturing stepsMore complex, involves multiple stages of assembly and testing

What is the circuit card assembly manufacturing process?

Making a CCA is a multi-step process:


First, the PCB layout is designed using computer software. It includes numerous steps, like schematic drawing, layout design, SI, PI analysis, DFM. This can ensure the PCB board can fit all the necessary components and function correctly.


The PCB is then fabricated, which involves creating the physical board with layers of insulating and conductive materials. This is where the board gets its pathways. In this step, proceed strict quality control process to make sure the bare boards are qualified.

Component Placement

Next, printing solder paste and preparing components, then place them onto the PCB board according to the BOM file (bill of material). After setting up the pick and place machine, automated machines can precisely position each component based on the design.


The components are soldered to the PCB. This can be done using methods like wave soldering or reflow soldering to ensure everything is securely attached and electrically connected. You must know, different products require different parameters, please make sure all the parameters like temperatures, time are suitable.

Inspection and Testing

The assembled CCA goes through rigorous inspection and testing to ensure it works as intended. This includes visual inspections, automated optical inspections (AOI), in-circuit testing (ICT), aging testing and functional testing.

Final Assembly

If the CCA passes all tests, it moves on to final assembly, where it’s integrated into the larger electronic system or device. That is we say the box building assembly.

What are the types of circuit card assembly?

CCAs can be divided into various types according to the different manufacturing technology.

Through-Hole Technology (THT) Assembly

Here, components have leads or pins inserted into holes drilled through the PCB and soldered on the other side. This method provides strong mechanical bonds, making it great for components that experience mechanical stress. It’s often used in aerospace, military, and industrial equipment.

Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Assembly

In SMT, components are mounted directly onto the PCB surface using solder paste. No drilling required, which allows for higher component density and smaller PCBs. This method is commonly used in consumer electronics, telecommunications, and automotive industries.

Box Building Assembly

Box building assembly involves the complete assembly of electronic systems, including CCAs, into enclosures or boxes. This process includes not only the assembly of the PCB but also the integration of cables, connectors, and other components into a final product. Box building is ideal for producing complete electronic devices ready for end-use.

Advanced materials for CCAs

Advanced materials help CCAs perform better and last longer:

  • High-Temperature Laminates (e.g., FR-4, Polyimide)

High temperature laminate like FR4 or polyimide. These materials can handle extreme conditions without breaking down. FR-4 is popular for its excellent thermal and mechanical properties, while polyimide is great for high-temperature stability.

  • Flexible Substrates (e.g., Kapton, PET)

Kapton and PET are the most common flexible substrate. These materials allow CCAs to bend and flex. Kapton, a type of polyimide, is known for its high thermal resistance and flexibility, making it perfect for wearable electronics and medical devices. PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is another flexible material with good electrical insulation properties.

  • Advanced Solder Compounds

SAC305 (a lead-free alloy of tin, silver, and copper) is favored for its mechanical and thermal properties. Whatever you want to mount a ceramic PCB or the flexible PCB, it is the best choice. Sn63Pb37, a traditional tin-lead solder, is still used for its ease of use and excellent performance.

Reliable circuit card assembly manufacturers

Choosing the right manufacturer for your CCAs is key to getting quality products. PCBonline and Best Technology are go-to-choice reliable circuit card assembly manufacturers. Both of them has advanced pick and place machine, full-auto SPI, AOI equipment, ensuring a good quality.

As a leading manufacturer in the circuit card assembly, Best Technology prides full turn-key service, ranging from the PCB design, PCB fabricating, electronic component sourcing, circuit card assembly and box build assembly. We handle complex and high-volume orders efficiently, ensuring timely and fast delivery without sacrificing quality. In 2023 alone, we completed over 5000 high-complexity projects with a client satisfaction rate of over 98%.

It is crucial for anyone to fullly understand the circuit card assembly in the electronics industry. From their basic components and manufacturing process to the advanced materials used, CCAs are the backbone of modern electronic devices.

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How to Make a BOM?
星期四, 11 7 月, 2024

If you are familiar with SMT or PCB assembly process, you may know BOM file. It is an important element in the SMT process. Creating BOM is a crucial step in the manufacturing process, especially for PCBs. A BOM serves as a comprehensive list of all the parts, components, and materials needed to build your product. It ensures that everyone involved in the production process is on the same page, reducing the risk of errors and delays. Today, Best Technology would like to introduce BOM and giving you a guide to create a BOM file step by step.

How to Make a BOM?

What is a Bill of Materials (BOM)?

A Bill of Materials (BOM) is a detailed list of all the parts, components, and materials needed to manufacture a product. In PCB manufacturing, a BOM outlines every item required to assemble a PCB, including quantities, part numbers, and descriptions. It serves as a guide to ensure that the manufacturing process runs smoothly and that no crucial components are missing.

Types of Bill of Materials

There are several types of BOMs used in different stages of production. Each type serves a specific purpose and provides unique details to streamline processes and ensure accuracy. Here are the primary types of BOMs:

  • Engineering BOM

This type of BOM is creating during the design phase. It lists all the parts and components designed by the engineering team, including specifications and relationships as intended in the final product. And of course, it mainly used by design engineers to communicate the product structure and details to manufacturing teams.

  • Manufacturing BOM (Formal)

It is a formal BOM files that used in the assembly phase. Different with engineering BOM, it includes additional details necessary for manufacturing, such as packaging, handling instructions and assembly details. And some special instructions.

  • Sales BOM

Sales BOM is used by sales teams and includes information relevant to the sales process, such as pricing and availability. It helps in providing accurate quotes, managing customer expectations, and handling sales orders efficiently.

What Should Include in an Effective Bill of Materials?

An effective BOM should be detailed, accurate, and easy to understand. It should include all the details of components and indicated revisions. As a 18 years expertise in PCBA production, we summarized the key elements that should be included in the BOM.

  • Component details

It should include all the components and their detailed information, such as names, part numbers (PN), and descriptions for each part.

  • Quantity (QTY)

The exact quantity of each component required for the product. Accurate quantities can prevent shortages and overstocking.

  • Foot print

It is the package of each component, helping to ensure the correction of part.

  • Reference Designators

Unique identifiers that match each component to its specific location on the product layout. These are essential for assembly and troubleshooting.

  • Manufacturer Information

Manufacturer information, including the manufacturer name of components and manufacturer part number. It helps to ensure correct parts are sourced. And convenient for alternative part sourcing if it is shortage.

  • Supplier information (Optional)

It means the name of the supplier or distributor. The part number used by the supplier, which may differ from the manufacturer’s part number.

  • Assembly instructions

Any special notes for assembly such as DNF remark, and version control to track revisions should also be included. Additionally, cost information helps in budgeting, and lifecycle status information helps plan for component availability and avoid discontinued parts.

How to Make a PCB Bill of Materials (BOM)?

Creating a PCB BOM is a systematic process that involves compiling all the necessary information about each component required for the assembly of the PCB. Here’s a detailed guide on how to create a PCB BOM:

  • Open a Blank Spreadsheet

Use software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to start with a blank spreadsheet. They are common to use, offering flexibility and ease of use for creating and managing BOMs.

  • Define Columns

Set up your spreadsheet with appropriate column headers. Common headers include:

  • Part Number
  • Component Name
  • Quantity
  • Reference Designator
  • Manufacturer
  • Manufacturer Part Number
  • Supplier
  • Supplier Part Number
  • Description
  • Package Type
  • Cost
  • Notes
  • Input Data

Enter the required details for each component under the appropriate headers. Please be make sure that all information is accurate and complete. This may involve referencing design files, datasheets, and supplier catalogs. If it is incorrect, then it needs a lot of time to find out and revise the errors, resulting in schedule delay.

  • Use Formulas

Utilize Excel formulas to automate calculations, such as summing total quantities or calculating costs. This helps in reducing manual errors and saves time.

  • Format for Clarity

Use cell formatting options to highlight important information and ensure the spreadsheet is easy to read. For example, you can use bold text for column headers, color coding for different component types, and borders to separate sections.

  • Include Version Control

Add a version control section to your BOM to track revisions and updates. This can be a simple row at the top or bottom of the spreadsheet, indicating the version number, date of revision, and a brief description of changes.

How to Make a BOM?
(BOM file reference)
  • Save and Update

Save your BOM and update it regularly to reflect any changes in the design or component availability. Regular updates ensure that the BOM remains accurate and up-to-date, preventing issues during production.

  • Review and Verify

Have multiple team members review the BOM for accuracy. Cross-check all component details, quantities, and part numbers against the design files. Verification helps catch errors early and ensures the BOM is reliable.

  • Communicate with Suppliers:

Maintain open communication with suppliers to confirm component details and availability. This ensures that you can source the correct parts and avoid delays in the production process.

How Can I Optimize My BOM for PCB Assembly?

Sometimes, a simple BOM is not good to process PCB assembly process, and manufacturers may need to spend a lot of time to optimize it, make into convenient for manufacturing. If you are a layman, here are some steps to help you in optimizing your BOM file.

First, it’s a good idea to standardize components where possible. Using standard parts that are readily available from multiple suppliers can simplify procurement and reduce costs. This approach minimizes the risk of shortages and ensures you can get parts quickly and affordably. Also, make sure all entries in your BOM are clear and concise to avoid confusion during assembly. Double-checking part numbers and quantities against design files is crucial to prevent errors that could lead to rework or delays.

Building strong relationships with your suppliers is another key factor. Good communication with suppliers helps ensure reliable component availability and keeps you informed about any changes in lead times or part availability. Regularly updating your BOM to reflect any design changes or component availability issues is essential. Keeping your BOM current and accurate prevents last-minute surprises during assembly.

How to Make a BOM?

What Common Mistakes Should I Avoid When Creating a PCB BOM?

Avoiding common mistakes in BOM creation can save time and reduce errors. Here are some pitfalls to watch out for:

  • Incomplete information – ensure all necessary details are included for each component.
  • Incorrect quantities – double-check quantities to avoid shortages or excess inventory.
  • Outdated data – keep the BOM updated with the latest design changes and component information.
  • Ambiguous descriptions – provide clear and precise descriptions to prevent confusion.
  • Lack of version information – implement version control to track changes and ensure the correct BOM version is used.

Creating an effective and accurate PCB BOM is essential for smooth manufacturing and assembly. By following best practices and using the right tools, you can ensure your BOM is comprehensive, clear, and up-to-date, ultimately leading to a successful PCB production process.

Best Technology is an expert in SMT and PCB assembly, we have more than 18 years in this industry, that can offer you a best experience of PCBA solution. In our facotry, we have advanced equipment like full auto pick and place machine, online dual AOI, X-ray, 3D SPI, nitride reflow oven and three-proof paint machine. So that we can ensure the fast lead time and high quality of your PCBA products. Reach us to get a instant quote!

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India Customer Visit in Best Technology
星期四, 4 7 月, 2024

On July 3rd, 2024, we had India customers visit our office and factory. All our staff of our customer warmly welcome the guest from afar.

Our sales manager Peter, along with Connie and Marina, gave a detailed introduction to our main business and product expertise. They talked about our strict quality control, careful selection of PCB board materials, advanced production equipment, and mature manufacturing processes. Our guests seemed quite impressed with how thorough we are in ensuring top-notch quality.

PCB product introduction

Actually, we’ve been working with this customer for several years now, and it’s been a fantastic journey of building trust and collaboration. This visit was a great chance to dive into a new PCB project and show off our latest innovations, including electric heating films, ceramic PCBs, and bendable aluminum PCBs.

When checking the sample books, the customers specially mentioned the blind vias and checked the related products for many times. It looks like they are extremely interested in this technology.  You know, blind vias, buried vias, through hole vias, micro vias and thermal vias are always our strengthens.

PCB samples sharing

Next day, Connie will be taking our guests on a tour of our metal dome and dome array factory. It’s always exciting to show our partners the heart of our operations and let them see firsthand the dedication and precision that goes into our work.

Metal dome project talking

Best Technology is a one-stop PCB and PCBA service provider in China and Vietnam. “High mix, Low-Middle Volume, High Quality and Fast Delivery” is our advantages. Custom PCBs available in our company as well. You can get high-quality PCB board and PCBA at a very transparent price. For more information, feel free to contact us at any time.

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What Are the Differences Between Active and Passive Components?
星期三, 3 7 月, 2024

In PCB electronics, components are classified into two main categories: active and passive components. Understanding these differences is crucial for anyone working with electronic circuits. Active components control electricity flow and require an external power source. Passive components do not control electricity and do not need an external power source.

What are active and passive components meaning?

Active and passive components, simply say, the device that needs an energy (electrical) source is called an active device, and the device that does not need an energy source is a passive device. Active components, such as transistors and diodes, require external power to function. They can control the flow of electricity. Passive components, like resistors and capacitors, do not need external power. They cannot control electrical flow but can store, resist, or filter energy. Both passive and active components are common useful in PCB assembly and SMT technology.

Active components play a dynamic role in circuits. They can amplify signals, switch currents, and perform various complex functions. These components rely on an external power source to operate and influence the behavior of the circuit. For instance, a transistor can amplify a weak signal, making it stronger and more useful for further processing.

What Are the Differences Between Active and Passive Components?

Passive components, on the other hand, are more static in nature. They cannot amplify signals or control current flow but are essential for other functions like energy storage and signal filtering. Resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transformers are common examples. Each of these components has a specific role in maintaining the stability and functionality of an electronic circuit.

What are the key differences between active and passive components?

The main difference between active and passive components is their ability to control electricity. Active components can amplify signals and perform complex tasks. Passive components can only store, resist, or filter energy. They cannot amplify signals or control current.

Active components are energy-dependent. They require an external source of power to function and can influence the flow of electricity within the circuit. For example, an integrated circuit (IC) can perform multiple functions like amplification, switching, and signal modulation, all of which require external power.

Passive components, in contrast, do not require an external power source. They can only perform their functions passively. For instance, a resistor can limit the current flowing through a circuit without needing additional power. Similarly, a capacitor can store electrical energy and release it when needed, all without external energy input.

Common active components in electronics

Active devices are the main components of electronic circuits. From the physical structure, circuit function and engineering parameters, active devices can be divided into discrete devices and integrated circuits.

1. Discrete devices

  • Bipolar transistor, generally referred to as transistor or BJT
  • Field effective transistor
  • Thyristor
  • Semiconductor resistors and capacitors – resistors and capacitors manufactured by integrated technology are used in integrated circuits.

2. Integrated circuit

Integrated circuit can be divided into analog IC and digital IC. Analog integrated circuits mainly deal with continuous analog signals, such as sound, light, temperature, etc., and retain the continuity and accuracy of the signal through amplification, filtering, mixing and other operations. In contrast, digital integrated circuits are used to process discrete time digital signals, convert the signal into binary digital form, and then perform logical operations and processing.

Basic analog integrated circuit devices generally include:

  • Integrated operational amplifier (operation amplifier)
  • Comparator
  • Logarithmic and exponential amplifiers
  • Multiplier/divider
  • Analog switching circuit (analog switch)
  • Phase lock loop
  • Integrated voltage regulator
  • Reference source
  • Wave-form generator
  • Power amplifier

Digital integrated circuit including:

  • Logic gate circuit
  • Flip-flop
  • Register
  • Decoder
  • Data comparator
  • Driver
  • Counter
  • Shaping circuit
  • Programmable Logic Device (PLD)
  • Microprocessor (MPU)
  • Microcontroller (MCU)
  • Digital signal processor (DSP)

Common passive components in electronics

Passive devices in electronic systems can be divided into circuit components and connection components according to the circuit functions they play. These components are essential for functions like energy storage, filtering, and impedance matching in electronic circuits. The common passive components are including:

Circuit components

  1. Diode
  2. Resistor
  3. Resistor network
  4. Capacitor
  5. Inductor
  6. Transformer
  7. Relay
  8. Key
  9. Speaker
  10. Switch

Connection components

  • Connector
  • Socket
  • Cable
  • PCB (printed circuit board)

Why are active components crucial in modern electronics?

The ability of active components to control and manipulate electrical signals makes them indispensable in a wide range of applications.

In computers, for example, active components such as processors and memory chips perform complex calculations and store large amounts of data. In communication systems, active components amplify weak signals, making long-distance transmission possible. Without these amplifiers, the signal would decay with distance, leading to a decline in communication quality. Power electronics, another key area of modern development, relies heavily on active components. Devices like power converters, inverters, and motor controllers use transistors and integrated circuits to efficiently convert and control electrical energy. This efficiency is crucial for applications ranging from renewable energy systems to electric vehicles.

It’s fair to say that without active components, devices like computers, smartphones, and TVS wouldn’t function the way they do today, and our era of big data wouldn’t be moving as fast as it is today.

How do passive components complement active components?

Both active and passive components are indispensable in a circuit. They depend on each other and complement each other. Without active components, the circuit cannot be activated or perform a specific work. Without passive components, the circuit cannot be controlled and adjusted, nor can it achieve a stable operating state. Such a relationship between the two is like the relationship between the “dynamic” and the “static” of a circuit.

What Are the Differences Between Active and Passive Components?

For example, in an audio amplifier circuit, the power supply and amplifier are the active components, and the load and resistance are the passive components. The power supply provides energy, the amplifier amplifies the signal, and controls and limits it through load and resistance, and finally realizes the amplification and regulation of the audio signal. In signal processing, inductors filter out high-frequency noise and protect sensitive active components from interference. Transformers, on the other hand, enable efficient power transfer between different parts of the circuit, allowing active components to operate within their optimal voltage range.

Comparing the Energy Requirements of Active and Passive Elements

Active components need an external power source to function. They consume energy during operation. Passive components do not need external power and generally do not consume energy, except for minor resistive losses. This difference impacts the design and efficiency of electronic circuits.

Active components, such as transistors and integrated circuits, rely on external power to operate. This power requirement means that active components consume energy during their operation. The amount of energy consumed depends on the specific component and its application. For instance, a power amplifier consumes more energy than a simple transistor switch.

Passive components, in contrast, do not need external power to function. They operate solely based on the electrical energy present in the circuit. Resistors, capacitors, and inductors do not consume significant energy, except for minor resistive losses in resistors. This low energy requirement makes passive components more efficient in certain applications.

What Are the Differences Between Active and Passive Components?

The difference in energy requirements between active and passive components impacts the overall efficiency of electronic circuits. Designers must carefully balance the use of active and passive components to achieve optimal performance and energy efficiency. For example, using passive filters instead of active ones can save energy in low-power applications.

Active and Passive Component Images and Symbols

Recognizing symbols are essential for reading and designing circuit diagrams. They provide a visual representation of the components and their functions, helping designers understand the overall structure and operation of the circuit. Recognizing these symbols is a fundamental skill for anyone involved in electronics. Here is a detailed images and symbols listing of common active and passive components.

Above all is the introduction to passive and active components, hope it is useful for every engineers. Best Technology is a professional PCB and PCBA manufacturer in Asia. We have our own factory in China and Vetnam. Welcome to contact us if you have any questions about components and PCB assembly.

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What needs to be paid attention during PCBA process?
星期四, 16 4 月, 2020

PCB is an indispensable part for any electronic equipment in small toys or computers., etc. The complex interconnection components include resistor, diode and capacitor, which help components work normally in series. In a sense, it is similar to the “brain” of the system. PCB assembly process must be of no any mistakes. Here are some points that need to be paid attention:

1.Supply chain management: In order to create high quality PCB, the first thing needing consideration is supply chain. For the availability, both quality and price are important, so is delivery time of components.


2.PCB layout. The common question during manufacturing stage is pcb layout in minor differences. Even though various types of designs looks the same to outward seeming, the manufacturing processes are different. You need to ensure PCB layout is feasible during manufacturing process.

3.Test-test has to be conducted after PCB assembly. What needs to be done is to design test point. Some tests include:

Micro-section analysis-also referred to as cross section analysis. This test contributes to identifying components fault and thermal-mechanical faults.


Solderability test. This test contributes to testing reliability of PCB solder pad, to ensure a firm surface and a reliable soldering point. It also contributes to confirming if storage will have an effect on solder components.

PCB pollution test-This can test many issues, such as corrosion and degradation. Scaling powder residue will result in pollution and thereby case components failure. Pollution analysis is famous for its accuracy and preciseness.

Optical microscope-This can test the issues relevant to PCB and soldering as well as overall pcb assembly. The process is famous for its speed, as it involves using high-power microscope to inspect incorrect structure.

Best Technology specializes in PCB assembly solutions since 2006, and if you would like to know more about turnkey PCB services(one-stop solutions about PCB), contact us anytime.

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The Basics of Printed Circuit Board Assembly(SMT)
星期五, 1 11 月, 2019

Printed circuit board assembly(SMT), also known as “stuffing” or “populating” the bare printed circuit board, is quite an intricate process which involves many different stages.  Best Technology’ in house printed circuit board assembly service makes ordering your turnkey printed circuit boards a hassle-free experience as you can count on the industry’s largest support team to help you control every step of the process.

Here are some of the basic elements involved in the printed circuit board assembly process:

Solder Paste â€“ Solder paste is a combination of flux, a chemical created to assist in the bonding and melting of the metal, and small fragments of metal (solder) so as to apply the electronic components to the printed circuit board. The paste is placed on the board in specific places along the board in exact amounts with the use of a Solder Stencil and a paste application machine, automatically.

Pick and Place Machine – This machine is essential in an automated printed circuit board assembly process.  The machine is programmed to automatically coordinate with complete accuracy the places to precisely mount each electronic component to be soldered to the printed circuit board. These machines are exact and quick.

Infrared Reflow â€“ After the precise bonding element (solder paste) is applied to the PCB, the board will be directed to the reflow oven to join the electronic components to the board by melting the solder paste. This “oven” is comprised of many heaters whose main function is to heat the board to a precise temperature and control the level of cooldown as the solder hardens. This process is crucial to the creation of properly functioning electronics. The printed circuit board will run through a series of testing to ensure no issues or short-circuiting nor misalignments have occurred.

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Simple Solderability Test Experiment
星期六, 23 8 月, 2014

As is well known, solderability is very important for any type of printed circuit boards, we must do solderability test of each batch PCB we made. In this way we can inspect the weldability of the PCB before we go ahead the assembly process, much helpful for SMT.

In our circuit board manufacturing workshop, we have professional equipment to do that testing. But normally these equipment was expensive, and a lot of people want to know a simple and cheap way to do that solderability testing, so today we are doing a simple solderability test and show you all the steps.

1. Take a small solder pot, plug in the power, turn on the switch and heat the solder pot to a certain high temperature(about 8 minutes).
2. Put a tin bar to the solder pot, then you can see the tin bar is begin to melting, slowly into liquid tin, then more and more.

Tin Bar

Tin Bar

3. After few minutes, there will be enough melting liquid tin in the solder pot to do this test.

melting tin


4.Use a tweezers to pick up a PCB circuit, first clean the PCB with rubbing alcohol. Because the unclear surface or the oxidation of the PCB will affect the test result.Pick-up-the-PCBclean the PCB
5. This is the key step of this test, put the PCB into the solder pot, depth about 2 mm,time 4-5 seconds is ok. Then you can see the tin will go into the hole of the PCB.

Solderability Test 1

Solderability Test 1

Solderability Test 2

Solderability Test 2

6. Take out the PCB from the solder pot and put it into the cold water. After few seconds, you can see the experimental effect.

Test Results

Test Results

This solderability test is very simple and easy. We can see the results very soon. We, Best Technology did solderability of every batch PCB we made, and we also supply our customers with the solderability test report and the test samples.

Any comments about that, leave your message or write email to us. Best Technology, always to be your best partner of circuit boards in China!

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