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Archive for 10 月, 2016

Customer Oren and Amitay from Israel visited our company
星期五, 14 10 月, 2016

On Oct 14th, customer Oren and Amitay from Israel visited our company. They are very nice and smart, just arrived at our office without any more instruction. We’re old friends since 2011 but never meet each other in China. After drinking Chinese black tea, we had a delicious lunch: Chinese traditional Hot Pot and fried fish with red pepper.

Hot pot & fried fish lunch

Hot pot & fried fish lunch









We also took photo with some of sales girls in office. You can see, how happy we are!

In office with sales girls

In office with sales girls








After that, they visited our Printed Circuit Board factory to visit whole PCB manufacturing process. From initial PCB raw material cutting, CNC drilling, exposure, etching, copper platting, soldermask & silkscreen printing, CNC routing, V-cutting, to final opening & shorting testing, flying probe testing, FQC and packaging. We also introduce our special board such as heavy copper PCB, extra thin PCB.

PCB raw material CNC drill (1st drilling, to make PTH (plating through hole)

PCB raw material CNC drill (1st drilling, to make PTH (plating through hole)









PCB DES line (developing, Etching, stripping)

PCB DES line (developing, Etching, stripping)








PCB CNC Routing & Milling
PCB CNC Routing & Milling


PCB flying probe testing to test PCB opening & shorting

PCB flying probe testing to test PCB opening & shorting










After visiting whole process of FR4 Printed Circuit board and Metal Core PCB, they speak highly of us and also give us some suggestion to help us to improve our PCB manufacturing level and PCB quality. Thank you Oren and Amitay.

Looking forward to seeing you soon in Israel in 2017.

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Soldermask on Hole (Via) Without Opening
星期四, 6 10 月, 2016

Soldermask opening always is a very important thing for various PCB, esp. for rigid FR4 PCB. In previous article, we already discussed why soldermask opening & tented was not the same like original gerber file.

If you really want soldermask opening for hole (Via) less than 0.60mm, you should added special notice when placing order.

At the same time, there’s another method you can use: To increase the soldermask opening diameter, that means add an “Annular Ring”. Normally you will need to increase 0.10mm (4mil) on each side, so that there’ll be a 0.1mm “Annular Ring” around the hole/Via, that Annual ring will stop soldermask into the hole/via of PCB.

Because in a lot of design, if there’s Via/Hole, there’ll no opening in its soldermask file, maybe engineer think the drill will remove the soldermask and then there’ll no soldermask on these Via/hole of board. As mentioned before, if Via/Hole in Printed circuit board was less than 0.6mm, or around 0.65mm then it’ll be a problem.

See from bellowing pictures of PCB board:

0.635mm Drill hole (Via)

0.635mm Drill hole (Via)

(0.635mm Drill hole (Via)

This is the original PCB Gerber file, the diameter of drill hole was 0.635mm and there’s no soldermask opening on GTS (top soldermask) Gerber file. (Purple color was GTS, Yellow: GTL (top layer); Blue: Drill (PTH) file), and no Annular Ring.

So final circuit boards will be like belowing:

0.635mm Via covered/tented by soldermask

0.635mm Via covered/tented by soldermask












So you need to add at least 0.10mm (4mil) soldermask opening on each side of hole, so that there’ll be a 0.1mm Annular Ring, like bellowing:

Add 4mil Annular Ring on PCB Via

Add 4mil Annular Ring on PCB Via











Then that hole will become like bellowing:

Hole/Via without soldermask (soldermask opened)

Hole/Via without soldermask (soldermask opened)











We believe there’re a lot of other handling method about that soldermask opening, please leave your comments, or contact us to discuss more about that, and believe you will be happy to receive with the PCB with correct soldermask opening!

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