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In order to reduce the cost, can SinkPad PCB use aluminum base instead copper base for heat dissipation?

SinkPad PCB is a type of Copper base PCB used in thermoelectric separation application. It generally used for high power LED, the pad of LED touch the copper base directly, so that the heat generated by LED will dissipate quickly, which can achieve the best heat dissipation and conduction.

sinkpad gerber
sinkpad gerber
sinkpad pcb
sinkpad pcb

In another words, it is a technology that require to increase the path of the LED pad to the copper base to accelerate the heat emission from the base material. The copper base is vital while it also cost higher.

Then in order to lower cost, can SinkPad PCB use aluminum base instead copper base for heat dissipation?

The answer is NO. As you can see the below manufacturing steps, the SinkPad will etch the copper base into convex platform with Copper Etching Solution, then hollow out the Double Layer FR4 PCB, and do lamination with the convex platform.

sinkpad pcb manufacturing steps
sinkpad pcb manufacturing steps

However, regarding of current technical conditions, since aluminum or aluminum alloy cannot directly react with acid, the reaction process is too complex and difficult to control, which will increase the difficulty of etching the LED pad platform. Considering the scrap rate, the process of etching LED pad platform with aluminum is more complex and the overall cost is higher.

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