Tomorrow March 8th, 2020 will be the Women’s Day! As it’ll be Sunday, so everyone in Best Technology get the gift today: One box of facial mask, one bottle of eye cream, and one bottle of moisturizer

We hope every lady in Best Technology keep happy, beautiful, while they’re working so hard, even working in middle night, in order to give our customers immediate reply. This is one of reason why you can see email reply within one hour sometimes even in the evening!

It’s the first time that every girl in Best Technology take a photo with a face mask! Everyone in Best Technology want the Coronavirus to be finished ASAP, so that everyone doesn’t need to have a face mask and global economic turn back to normal level. At that time, we can take a photo again so that you can see the smiling face of our girls😊 and we believe that day will come in soon!
If you want to ask some information about our product (FR4 PCB, metal core PCB, ceramic PCB, PCBA) or service, you’re welcome to send email or call us anytime!
Tags: face mask, international women day